September 23, 2021 - 7:33 pm

Workplace drug testing tends to be a hot button topic in a variety of different scenarios. There are many states that allow drug testing of employees to promote a drug-free environment and increase safety for both workers and potential

September 17, 2021 - 3:42 pm

On average, Americans spend nearly 1 hour every day on the road going to and coming home from work (Census Bureau, 2019). We spend so much time behind the wheel that car accidents, even fender benders, are unfortunately a

September 2, 2021 - 5:37 pm

In all U.S. states, employers are required to pay for workers’ compensation insurance and offer coverage to any workers who are injured on the job, however, this requirement can be waived if a worker is considered an independent contractor

July 8, 2021 - 8:39 pm

One of the most difficult questions we receive from clients at Poirier Law Firm involves an employee’s right to sue their employer after a work-related injury. Many injured workers wonder if they are eligible to sue their employer after

July 2, 2021 - 3:13 am

One of the main topics of discussion in the workplace these days pertains to parental rights and benefits. If you are pregnant, you are likely doing everything you can to ensure you are protecting yourself, your baby, and your

June 23, 2021 - 12:53 pm

Many individuals are at least somewhat familiar with today’s Workers’ Compensation system. It is what protects workers each day on the job to ensure that if an injury happens, regardless of it’s their fault or not, they are covered

June 4, 2021 - 4:30 pm

Now that restrictions on travel are beginning to loosen, an increased number of people are returning to planes, trains, and cars for business purposes. As more people are on the road and at airports, it is likely we will