Workplace injuries can significantly impact your quality of life, so it is essential that if you incur an injury on-the-job, you receive the best healthcare as quickly as possible for your recovery. What happens if, because of your doctor’s
According to the CDC, second hand smoke is dangerous and contains hundreds of toxic chemicals, 70 of which cause cancer. So what happens if you are a non-smoker and you become sick because of exposure to environmental tobacco smoke?
Workers’ comp claims can be confusing and frustrating for thousands of Georgia workers’ each year. Many claims require a lawyer to help make decisions, prepare their case, and guide them through the process of filing a claim. During the
Carpal tunnel syndrome is the most common nerve disorder experienced and affects between four and ten million Americans. This is according to the American College of Rheumatology, which also reports that the condition is caused by repetitive motion and
Workers’ compensation can be technical and complicated. Many workers don’t know what will be covered and what won’t be covered in case of a workplace accident. Here are four claims that surprisingly may not be covered. 1. Scars/Disfigurement Are
Volunteers play an important part in numerous hospitals, homeless shelters, schools, elderly care homes, not-for-profits, and countless other types of businesses in the United States. In fact, according to the Corporation for National and Community Service (CNCS), there were
Every state has its own set of workers’ compensation laws. In Georgia, there are several criteria which if not met, could result in a denial. Providing Employer Proper Notice. Whenever you’re injured at work you are required to provide
According to the Economic Policy Institute,17% of the US workforce has irregular work schedules. What many people don’t realize, is that your health can be affected by the time of day you work. People that work a night shift
To minimize risks and mitigate loss, employers always hire the most productive employees and keep the workers’ insurance premiums low. For this reason, many employers are hesitant to hire new employees who pose higher risks in the future. These
The State of Vermont House of Representatives on April 13 advanced a bill that would make it easier for emergency workers’ compensation claims for post-traumatic stress disorder (PTSD) up to three years after retirement and would also allow all