So let’s say you just started a new office job, one with very few external hazards and limited risk with harm—you might think there’s no way you would ever get injured at work. Even if your job is almost
If the past two months are any indication, summertime in Georgia is hot. Really hot. With a continuously-warming subtropical, humid climate our peak temperatures often exceed 95-degrees with heat indexes measuring triple-digits. This extreme weather presents substantial risks for
Any travel around Atlanta confirms the city’s recent boom in development projects. Construction is everywhere and with so much—largely-outdoor—specialized manual labor and heavy machinery operation, accidents and injuries are bound to happen. Every day on the job, construction workers
Most injuries are irrefutable—whether it’s a broken bone, burn, or other bad accident, there is often a visible or otherwise tangible proof of pain. When these cases arise within a work environment, workers’ compensation covers the aftermath. But what
Workplace accidents happen in all sectors and range from construction accidents and work-related car wrecks to the general office accident. Just as the accident type varies, so too does the resulting injury. Any damage—such as chemical burns, total knee
Workplace accidents happen. When they do, we always hope for the best case scenario with minor injury or sickness, compassionate employers, and reasonable pay. But, what if the accident devolves into the worst case scenario—death? While this situation is
It is almost impossible to navigate today’s world without mention of the economy—inflation, rising cost of goods, shifting and shuffling employment, etc. So with all this talk about the economy, how is workers’ compensation affected? To begin, let’s look
So you’ve recently sustained an on-the-job injury—what to do about a doctor? As an employee, your employer is responsible for identifying medical care providers available in the event of an accident. According to the State Board of Workers’ Compensation
While most of the world begins to return to pre-COVID normalcy, there are some people who are unable to move on from the realities of the last two years. There is undoubtedly much grief following the pandemic and its
Workplace injuries happen. While occupational hazards are often preventable, when they do occur it is important to understand what the timeline looks like for the recovery, benefits, and claims processes. After an accident, it is essential to act in