Medical Benefits and Physician FAQ

  • Weekly
    • You are entitled to benefits for up to 400 weeks, which will be 2/3 of your average weekly wage but no more than $525.00 per week for an accident, which occurred on or after July 1, 2013.


  • Medical
    • All injuries occurring on of before June 30, 2013 are entitled to lifetime medical benefits. However, if you have suffered a catastrophic injury you may be entitled to lifetime medical benefits. Call Poirier Law today for your free consultation to make sure you get the benefits you deserve.


  • TTD (Total Temporary Disability)
    • Total Temporary Disability is paid to the claimant if they’re under active medical treatment, still in their recovery period, or have a note from their doctor restricting them or taking them off work. TTD benefits are paid at 2/3’s your average wage, on a weekly maximum, and for a maximum of 400 weeks.


  • TPD (Total Partial Disability)
    • If you are injured at work and are left unable to work you should qualify for lost-wage compensation. TPD benefits are paid if you are able to return to work but because of your injury are unable to earn the amount you were earning before the accident.


  • PPD (Permanent Partial Disability)
    • Permanent Partial Disability is owed to the claimant when the recovery period is complete but they are still left with a permanent partial impairment. Doctors give this impairment rating based on the AMA Guide to Permanent Impairments, 5th Edition and/or 6th Edition when a claimant has reached MMI (Maximum Medical Improvement).


  • Medical Issues
    • I do not like my doctor. Can I change?
      • You are allowed to change your doctor, however there are certain limitations involved. In the State of Georgia you are allowed to change doctors once during your case, and this is a very important right. We highly recommend you speak to your attorney before making this decision. Poirier Law can help give you the guidance you need during this difficult time.
    • Independent Medical Exam (IME)
      • You also have a right to an independent medical examination, an IME, with an objective and unbiased physician of your choosing, that isn’t from the company’s panel of selected physicians. This is an extremely important exam that gives you the ability to access a fair and independent doctor. You and your attorney must choose wisely! Contact Poirier Law to learn how to properly exercise this right.


  • What is a MSA?
    • A MSA is a Medicare Set Aside Arrangement and it means that Medicare will take the position of a secondary payer. The purpose is for MSA to provide funds to the injured victim to pay for future medical expenses that would be covered by medicare.


  • Panel of physicians
    • Your employer is required to post information about what doctors are available to you once you make a workers’ comp claim and can do so in a couple different ways.
    • Traditional Panel with at least six physicians. The panel will include one orthopedic physician and not more than two industrial clinics.
    • Conformed Panel with at least ten physicians. The panel will include the traditional panel plus a chiropractor and a general surgeon.
    • You have a right to a one time free change in doctors from the panel. If the employer/insurer did not properly explain and direct you to a panel, you have the right to treat with any doctor of you and your attorneys choosing. This gives you control of your medical care and is very important to your case. Contact Poirier Law to learn how the properly exercise this right.


  • Do I have a choice in doctor?
    • When you hire Poirier Law we can fight for the right to see the doctor of your choosing especially when it will greatly benefit your health and recovery. Your choice of doctors is limited by various factors so contact us right away for your free consultation and to ensure that you are properly informed of your rights.

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