The workers’ compensation program was designed to protect workers who are injured on the job. It is a state-mandated insurance program with varying laws depending on where you live. Workers’ comp in general can be very confusing, and there
For anyone that has ever gotten injured on the job, you know what a hassle making a claim can be—and just how important it is to follow all the rules exactly. One such essential rule is to make sure
Almost everyone who works eats while they are there. Sometimes getting a free meal is even a perk of the job. But what happens when you contract food poisoning while you are hard at work? Is it a compensable
Everyone wants to be able to trust his or her doctor. As an injured worker, you want to know that your doctor truly has your best interest at heart and is not easily swayed by others who may not.
Volunteers play an important part in numerous hospitals, homeless shelters, schools, elderly care homes, not-for-profits, and countless other types of businesses in the United States. In fact, according to the Corporation for National and Community Service (CNCS), there were
An injury from a motor vehicle accident can cost roughly $150,000. A fatality costs as much a $3.6 million. Distracted driving plagues our nation and affects not only auto insurers, but also workers’ compensation claims as well. There has
For many of us, when we hear the words “workplace violence”, we immediately assume mass shooting. But in reality, mass shootings are rare. The real violence happening in the workplace is that of daily threats faced by many workers.
Running a business is no easy task, but these days, it seems as if many companies forget what their most important asset is: their human workforce. Employers seem to put employee safety and health on the backburner too often
It is a fact that the US has an aging workforce. It is also a fact that our nation is becoming increasingly overweight. When you add these two factors together, you get an increased incidence of people with comorbid
When you have been injured on the job, workers’ compensation benefits can provide what you need to support your family until you are back to work. It covers medical expenses and lost wages, and many other costs incurred during