Total Knee Replacement

The knee bears the most weight in the body. It’s also one of the most complex joints- it allows your leg to swivel, bend, and straighten. However, since it is so complex this makes it vulnerable to injury and injuries can be sustained to the bones, cartilage, menisci, muscles, ligaments, and tendons. Everything you do puts pressure on your knee joints so any injury to your knees will result in hindered mobility and a serious lifestyle change. Many injuries result in surgery, which opens the door to arthritis, infection, and a long road to recover that includes physical therapy and rehabilitation. If your injury is severe enough to constitute a total knee replacement contact Poirier Law today to make sure you get the compensation you deserve to cover medical costs, out of pocket costs, pain and suffering, and any lost wages. We will fight to make sure that you get the compensation that you deserve. Call today for your free compensation.

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