How the COVID-19 Vaccine Will Impact Worker Safety

March 25, 2021 - 7:22 pm

The COVID-19 vaccine is on the top of everyone’s mind nowadays. As the vaccine roll out in Georgia begins to gain momentum and an increasing number of individuals are eligible to receive the vaccination, the question now becomes how it will affect safety in the workplace. There are two important factors to take into account when discussing the COVID-19 vaccine and your workplace. It is important to understand your rights as an employee but also the rights of those around you, including your employer. Although it is your right to choose whether or not you receive the vaccination, your decision could have implications regarding your status as a worker. 

One primary question raised by workers is if Georgia employers will require employees to receive the vaccination in order to return to work. Georgia has not yet mandated the vaccination for those working in-person, however, it is not impossible that employers may do so in the future. Other states have mandated vaccinations for workers in certain industries and although Georgia isn’t there yet, Georgia is an employment-at-will state. Employment- at-will means that employers have a large range of discretion outside of the  constitutional rights of their employees to determine if they want to continue employment for their workers. This means it is possible that an employer could terminate an employee if they choose not to receive the vaccination.  As mentioned earlier, Georgia has not yet mandated these vaccinations but as a worker, it is important to stay up-to-date on the COVID-19 vaccine requirements at your workplace to best understand your rights. 

Another common topic that has been brought up relating to COVID-19 vaccination requirements in the workplace is if you are concerned if your coworkers choose to opt out of receiving the vaccination. It is understandable that many individuals are concerned if they are around a group of people on a daily basis that have not been vaccinated and how that will impact their protection from the virus. On the other hand, there are some workers who have legitimate concerns as to why they do not want to receive the vaccination and may be wondering about their rights as an employee if they are unable to get vaccinated. If a Georgia employer requires the COVID-19 vaccination, the employee choosing to not receive the vaccine would likely need to present evidence and proof showing why they are abstaining from being vaccinated with the COVID-19 shot. Since the COVID-19 virus began to spread in the U.S. in March 2019, the job economy has suffered greatly. Most workers who still have jobs want to ensure that their job security is not negatively impacted by the mandated vaccination. It is essential that workers secure their employment while also keeping their health and safety as their utmost priority. 

The world we are living in is widely unprecedented and the regulations, mandates, and restrictions that are in place are unlike anything we have seen before. Although everyone’s primary concern should be to reduce the spread of the virus and ensure their safety, there are many questions that arise when discussing vaccinations and workers’ rights. If you have any concerns about your rights as a worker and how the COVID-19 vaccination impacts them, please do not hesitate to call Poirier Law Firm. Our goal is to ensure that we explain all of the legal implications of the COVID-19 vaccine at your workplace to help you navigate this uncharted territory and ensure your health and safety but also your job security.

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