Does Georgia Workers’ Compensation Insurance Cover “Tech Neck”?

November 14, 2019 - 1:11 am

No matter where you go in the world, you will find people hunched over their phones, avidly punching away at the keys. And almost all of them will end up with a stiff neck at one time or another. This is a phenomenon coined as “tech neck”, and a condition which develops from having our heavy heads hunched over pulling on our neck muscles. Neck and back injuries are extremely common for workers, incredibly disruptive to their lives and, unfortunately, the most frequently disputed type of claim by employers and insurance companies. 

What is tech neck exactly? 

Tech neck can be described as soreness of the neck secondary to sitting in front of a computer, typing on a laptop, or utilizing handheld technology such smartphones. The pain is in the cervical spine and is not limited to the neck only. Numerous people experience headaches as well as other areas of discomfort from it.

Prevention is Key

The following are ways to prevent the development and/or recurrence of tech neck:

  • Have good posture.
  • Keep screens at eye level.
  • Take a short break every hour.
  • Exercise to strengthen neck and back muscles.
  • Have a chair with a headrest.

Is “tech neck” covered by Workers’ Compensation?

Georgia workers who suffer a neck, spine, or back injury while on the job may have a compensable workers’ comp claim. But it’s more than likely you are in for a fight with your employer’s insurance as they try to avoid what can often become a lifetime of paying benefits. These types of injuries are held under great scrutiny by insurance companies and they will search for an excuse not to pay. Neck and back injuries can be notoriously hard to treat because they are notoriously hard to pinpoint the exact injury. Insurance companies will try about anything to avoid paying, including insisting your pain is a normal part of the aging process, or they will suggest you have a pre-existing condition such as degenerative disc disease.

Do NOT let them bully you.

Consult  with a workers’ compensation attorney immediately and start protecting your rights. Your attorney will help you define how your pain happened in a way that makes sense and is indisputable. If you have been denied a neck injury or are worried about your claim, contact an attorney who will fight for your rights and protect you on every level.

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